Tactics of the enemy's infiltration into the Islamic society from the perspective of the Holy Quran
Subject Areas : Quran and Politics
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Keywords: Infiltration, Infiltrator, Enmity, Aliens, Conspiracy, Soft War,
Abstract :
The influence of foreigners and enemies in the land and thought of Muslims has precedents in the history of Islam. Since the beginning of Islam, hypocrites, people of the book and other enemies of religion have been trying to find an opening in any way to influence the beliefs, culture, economy, etc. of the Islamic society. Enemies, when they do not see in themselves the power of military and direct confrontation, try to take full advantage of the weak points of Muslims and make the best use of them for their nefarious purposes. In other words, the influence of the enemy mostly refers to their imperceptible and secret tactics to carry out their conspiracy, but in the meantime, the Holy Quran has dealt with the problem of influence and its types with a special look. The studies carried out showed that in the Holy Quran, the use of spies, intimate relations with foreigners, spreading rumors, propaganda and inducing suspicions, exile or physical removal of religious leaders of the society, assassination of leaders, deceiving Muslims by pretending to be friends, revealing the secrets of Muslims, Incorrect understanding of moral virtues, creating economic bottlenecks, abusing legitimate figures in society, disobeying the orders of the leader of society, destroying cultural centers and infiltrating them, psychological warfare and putting the masses of people in intellectual weakness are the most efficient tools and tricks of the enemy to It is an influence that is collected in detail in this article.
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