4 Arts in Faithful Lifestyle Based upon Teachings of Imam Reza (AS)
Subject Areas : Quran and Sciology
1 - Tehran University
Keywords: Art, Lifestyle, Reflection, Tawakkul, Tawaddud, Talazzuz,
Abstract :
Lifestyle has been defined as the way individuals, groups or societies live in the face of their physical, mental, social and economic relations. Whether we call it a way of life or a manner originating from insight, one cannot ignore the fact that it is an art, or rather, a set of arts that form a macro model and style. This paper investigates the qualitative and quantitative arts in the lifestyle of the faithful as the essence of this style is faith in God. The paper seeks to clarify four arts of reflection, Tawakkul (putting one’s trust in God), Tawaddud (being friendly toward others) and Talazzuz (seeking enjoyment). Reflection is the art of processing and editing one’s knowledge in light of the power of intellect, which is sort of wise interaction with oneself. Tawakkul is the art of trusting in God, who is the source of self-confidence. In fact, Tawakkul is a realistic interaction with God. Tawaddud is the art of loving others, which is a major criterion in the faithful lifestyle and kind of friendly interaction with people. And finally, Talazzuz is also an art, the art of enjoying life and benefiting from the world purposefully. It is a kind of smart interaction with the world and it phenomena and blessings. This research was conducted through descriptive-analytical method in three stages of planning, implementing and reporting.
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سایت ها
مطهری الهامی، مجتبی، تأملی در تعریف هنر، سایت فیروزه،http://firooze.ir#
پایگاه آموزش سلامت همگانی وزارت بهداشت، درمان و آموزش پژشکی: http://iec.behdasht.gov.ir#