Proving the scientific miracle of Aaraf verse 189 and using it in explaining the topic of fertilization of sperm and ovule in 11th grade biology textbook
Subject Areas : Quran and Medicine
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Keywords: Miracles of the Qur'an, sperm, Ovule, fertilization, 11th grade biology textbook,
Abstract :
In the scientific interpretation of the Qur'an, the verses whose miraculous aspects are examined are more important. The miracle of the Quran is one of the favorite topics of commentators and religious researchers in the present era; Because by means of it, the truth of this divine religion can be proved. The presentation of religious topics, especially the miracles of the Qur'an, in the classroom can also be of great help in attracting students to religious education. So far, various scientific points from the verses of the Holy Quran have been discovered in connection with the topic of human creation. In this research article, based on library sources, a comparative comparison is made between the opinions of commentators, linguists and embryologists about verse 189 of Surah Al-A'raf, and using solid reasons, it is shown that the Quran tells a secret about the way in which the egg is contained by the sperms, fertilization between Their nucleus and zygote formation is mentioned. It should be mentioned that we have used the materials related to the subject mentioned in the 11th grade biology textbook for the purpose of effective and attractive teaching, so that students can be introduced to Quranic concepts through it.
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